South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

What's New

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to set up Citizens' Assembly on the Climate Emergency

The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) is establishing a Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate Emergency.

A Citizens’ assembly brings together people from all walks of life who broadly represent the various and vibrant community to discuss important issues – in this case the Climate Emergency – and how South Yorkshire should respond.

People who attend will learn about the climate emergency, what impact it may have on our region, and some of the decisions we need to make in our homes, communities and businesses to address it. There’ll be the opportunity to discuss them with one another, and then make recommendations about what you think should happen and how things should change.

SYMCA are recruiting now – if you are interested in taking part, fill out the form on the SYMCA website.

The aim is for the range of participants to broadly reflect the diversity of the population on South Yorkshire. SYMCA will be using statistics from the Office for National Statistics to calculate the numbers of people we need to recruit from different backgrounds in order to do this.