South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

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Sheffield Renewables - 5th Community Solar PV Project Installed

The latest news from Sheffield Renewables

Sheffield Renewables 5th community energy project was installed in June 2023 and coincided with both the Great Big Green Week, and Community Energy Fortnight, giving us an opportunity to promote community energy and celebrate community led practical climate action right here in Sheffield.

Our latest 12 kWp of fully funded Solar PV was installed on the Common House at Five Rivers Co-housing, a volunteer led group building 22 housing units. The Common House will support communal living, powering the air source heat pump, laundry, communal kitchen and guest rooms. The site has a fabulous panoramic views of the Loxley Valley and on an east-west roof we hope to generate around 9,500 kw/h per year.

Solar panels being installed on a co-housing project in Sheffield, by Sheffield Renewables

The Five Rivers Co-housing Solar PV install joins Sheffield Renewables 4 existing community developed and owned energy schemes across the region and funded by nearly £300k raised through our community shares. Our projects, with a total installed capacity of almost 200 kWp, generate Made in Sheffield renewable energy; saving carbon and saving organisations money on their electricity bills. The income generated goes back to our community shareholders, creates a community benefit fund which supports local environmental and social causes, and supports further community energy projects. All this plays a small role in Sheffield’s transition to net zero whilst also keeping the benefits of local energy generation in the city.

We’re currently working on a pipeline of new projects which we hope to hold a community share offer for in the near future. But we are always on the lookout for new sites, contact us via 

To see what our installs look like from the air, see our new short video highlighting our community solar schemes at Lembas ltd and High Green Development Trust.