South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

Climate Day

Sheffield Unitarians invite you to their Climate Day! How might we respond effectively to Climate Change, not just as individuals but as groups and institutions?

Free event at Channing Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield. Organised by the Sheffield and District Association of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches

Whilst the event is free, booking is nevertheless required as places are limited.

Attendees from churches and other places of worship, and other community groups, particularly ones with responsibility for buildings, are most welcome. Whilst there will be a spiritual/religious motivation for many attendees, the event is open to folk of all faiths and none. Individuals welcome but small groups of trustees/committee members or similar ideal for taking learning (e.g. regarding building management and finance) back to your setting.

For more information, go to:

Or email Rev Andi Phillips:

Opening address by Olivia Blake, Member of Parliament for Sheffield Hallam (and Shadow Minister for Climate Change until June 2022).

Keynote address by Professor Geoff Levermore (himself a Unitarian), Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester and a UK-nominated Lead Author, IPCC Climate Change Report 2007, for which he shared the Nobel Peace Prize.

Small Group Workshops by Matt Carmichael, co-author (with Alastair McIntosh) of “Spiritual Activism: Leadership As Service” and a teacher at Roundhay School, Leeds, where he spearheaded Declaration of Climate Crisis, and who also works, on a voluntary basis, with Leeds Climate Commission.

Please bring a packed lunch (tea and coffee will be provided). Free to attend but booking required as spaces limited. Programme Inquiries: Rev. Maud RobinsonBooking/Venue Inquiries: Rev. Andi Phillips.

Venue (wheelchair accessible by lift): Channing Hall, 45 Surrey Street, Sheffield S1 2LG. Channing Hall is part of the Upper Chapel (Unitarian) complex. Upper Chapel is 10 minutes walk from Sheffield Rail station. Limited car parking by arrangement only in the Upper Chapel car park on Norfolk Street.

The event is finished.


May 20 2023


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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