COP Conversations
On the fourth Thursday of each month this year, Nick Nuttgens is hosting a small group conversation about the crucial COP 26 conference in November. A topic is being proposed each month. To access the topic, please sign up to the Climate Communications Hub mailing list by sending an email with the single word ‘Subscribe’ in the header to nuttgensclimate@outlook.com. To register for any of the COP Conversations, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/137414597761
COP 26 will take place in November 2021. It will be one of most important conferences in the history of humanity, without exaggeration. This is because the world’s governments will come together to set targets to reduce the greenhouse gases which cause global warming. If they set stiff enough targets – and if they keep to them – there is still a small chance of keeping global warming below 2°C.
The nation hosting the event this year is the UK. This means that we have a fantastic opportunity to put pressure on our political representatives to aim high, to set an example to the world.
So I’m asking you to have one conversation each month about COP 26 and then to send a short email to your MP and/or the Minister in charge of COP 26, telling them the ideas you have come up with.*
Each month I will post a topic to talk about on Facebook and on the Climate Communications Hub mailing list. You don’t have to be an expert in the field, you just have to be an ordinary citizen who wants to see great results from this conference. MPs tell us all the time that they need to hear from ordinary people, they can’t prioritise action on global warming unless their constituents tell them repeatedly that they care about it.
There are people in every political party who are committed to addressing the environmental emergency but it is not sure yet that every party is really committed to an effective strategy. If you speak up and tell your MP “I’ve talked to my friends about what they want to see happen at COP 26 and one of the things they want is [for example] a commitment to loads of green jobs”, that will have an impact.
We all need a bit of a boost these days, so in each post I will include an inspiring example of what can be done.
Nick Nuttgens
This event is hosted by the Climate Communications Hub.