Green Jobs for All Campaign Launch
Creating 25,000 NEW Green Jobs in South Yorkshire
We need these new jobs to replace work lost doing Covid and to urgently tackle the climate and ecological emergency. Let’s stop the widening equality gap and make life better for everyone. We need all sectors of society to press for this massive green recovery and transformation.
At the launch: We will present some stories from local people, local data on unemployment numbers and specifics of green jobs in South Yorkshire. We will also hope to have brief presentations from a local MP, Trade Union leader, the Chamber of Commerce, Teach the Future, and a local FE College Principal. Further details TBC…
The jobs we need must be decent jobs with work satisfaction, decent pay and conditions, good training and prospects. Green New Deal UK has calculated that we can create 1.2 million green jobs over the next 2 years, which by our estimate would mean 25,000 for our region. We’re demanding that this government fully fund a radical Green Recovery. It’s not going to be free, it will need £68billion so we’re pushing for that.
What are Green Jobs?
-Jobs that reduce CO2 like making and installing home insulation, public transport, wind and solar power, heat pumps that replace gas central heating, building electric trains and buses
-Jobs that restore nature like tree planting,peat bog preservation, natural flood defences and nature friendly farming
-Low carbon jobs like carers, teachers and nurses, that make our society a better place
All kinds of people need these jobs and the skills training to be prepared for the job:
-School leavers looking for work
-People made redundant by Covid-19
-People in carbon intensive industries who want to retrain
-People who want to work in the low carbon and socially useful sectors like teaching, care work and health
This is part of a national campaign organised by Green New Deal U.K.
Join us on Monday 22nd March from 6-7pm on Zoom! We’ll be sending out the link to attend in due course.
Any questions? Feel free to get in touch on greennewdealuksy@gmail.com