Have Your Say: Shape South Yorkshire’s Climate Future!
In the summer of 2020, we were delighted to learn that the National Lottery had awarded SCA & its partners funding for an 18 month development project, which we are using to develop a multi-million pound bid to their Climate Action Fund.
We kicked off the process of finding out what the people of South Yorkshire think, in our online meetings ‘Imagine zero carbon South Yorkshire’ and ‘Create zero carbon South Yorkshire’ in winter 2020.
We launched our public events programme this summer, popping up at different venues across Sheffield with free activities for communities. We also launched our digital hub, which you can see at candosouthyorkshire.org.uk
Now we want to let you know how those events have shaped our thinking, what’s happened since then, and what happens next.
Most importantly we want to show you how the bid is shaping up, and ask you – have we missed anything vital?
You don’t need to be a member of a climate organization to attend. We welcome anyone interested in finding ways to reduce carbon emissions that also make lives better for everyone.
Come and add your voice – we need to hear it!
(Zoom will open at 6:45pm for a 7pm start).