Greener Greenhill
More electric vehicle charging points are going to be needed as these cars become cheaper and more available, but not every home has space for its own charging point and its wasteful to install so many. We felt it would be a good public service to survey local residents on where they would like to […]
High Storrs Environmental (HSE) and the Green Triangle
HSE organised and publicised a public meeting in a local school to hear from an architect about retrofit surveys, planning and improvements. This addressed questions such as whether it all has to be done at once, what qualification or accreditation standards to look for and if you only had £200 to spend, what would be […]
Booth Brothers
Booth Brothers is an umbrella business in Barnsley. The mill is a shared workspace of carbon neutral offices, industrial units and hybrid workspace. Over 15 companies are based there, comprising a wide range of commercial activities. The mill is served with a range of renewable energy including solar PV on the roof spaces, wind turbines […]
Hope Valley Climate Action
Bordering South Yorkshire is the Hope Valley Climate Action group. To encourage interest in home insulation measures HVCA obtained a thermal imaging camera (TIC) that shows heat loss from properties through the use of infra-red imaging. They offer this service to local residents for free, but invite donations if the service is valued. The survey […]
Greener Greenhill
In February 2022 we were conscious of warnings about energy costs rising and wanted to both help those least able to cope with this (for obvious reasons) and to show how reducing energy consumption and reducing energy bills go hand in hand. We teamed up with a local charity (the Terminus Initiative) operating on the […]
Zero Carbon Yorkshire Buildings
The Zero Carbon Yorkshire Buildings working group is made up of a wide range of building professionals, businesses, activists and academics from across the Yorkshire region. It is now also affiliated to the AECB as the AECB Yorkshire group. The group meets three times a year in Leeds and has identified the following areas to […]
Community Energy England
Community Energy England was founded in 2014 by practitioners within the community energy sector to act as the voice of the sector and help put people at the heart of the energy system. In the years since, our membership has grown to over 280 community energy organisations and a range of other stakeholder organisations. We […]