South Yorkshire Climate Alliance


Supporting communities across South Yorkshire

to take action for the climate and nature.

start a community group

A group of residents in High Storrs got together to start a community-based climate action group:

High Storrs Environmental is a group of people living in the High Storrs area of Sheffield who have come together with a shared concern about climate change and the environment. We are keen to work together to find out more about some of the problems facing us, and about what we can do about them.

We started in late 2021 by posting a leaflet through every letterbox on local streets, and then followed up by speaking to people on the doorstep about what their main environmental concerns were. From these initial steps, a group of around thirty local people signed up to join a Whatsapp group.

Based on what people told us, we’ve set up small groups to focus on specific activities, these are:

– Recycling
– Litter-picking
– Home insulation
– Traffic congestion and public transport
– Door-knocking and local discussion
– Reuse/Repair

We have set up a website and have a Facebook page where we let people know what we are doing.

Since then our members have been involved in lots of different activities – some have organised litter picks, others have begun investigating local plastic use and recycling. We’ve had a talk about retrofitting our homes from a Sheffield-based architect, and had a vegan food taster day!

useful links

Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust have useful information and guidance on starting a new community group, in their Nature Recovery Toolkit here


Tell us your thoughts!

Have you started a local climate action group? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

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