South Yorkshire Climate Alliance

Community activities and initiatives

We’re starting to collect here ideas for community-based activities and initiatives, examples of activities community groups have tried, projects they have undertaken and their stories. Some may provide a flash of inspiration, others an opportunity to share experience and learning.

We’d love to hear you from you! Whether you have a ‘light bulb’ idea to share, or would like to tell us your story in more detail, your knowledge and experience can inspire and motivate others. Every initiative has something to teach us. Click here to add your activity.

We also want your feedback – let us know what you find useful, as well as what is not useful to you. These pages are a work-in-progress and the way they develop will be guided by you! Click here to leave feedback.

Bentley Urban Farm

Bentley Urban Farm uses reclaimed materials to repair and maintain a former horticultural training centre in the former mining community of Bentley, just north of Doncaster. The use of reclaimed

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Booth Brothers

Booth Brothers is an umbrella business in Barnsley. The mill is a shared workspace of carbon neutral offices, industrial units and hybrid workspace. Over 15 companies are based there, comprising

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Bradway Action Group (BAG)

The Bradway Action Group (BAG) is progressively improving the biodiversity and attractiveness of three interconnected fields (known as the ‘Bradway Rec’) that were almost entirely laid to grass. In consultation

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Greener Greenhill

In February 2022 we were conscious of warnings about energy costs rising and wanted to both help those least able to cope with this (for obvious reasons) and to show

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Greener Greenhill

Organised a Saturday morning bird song walk in local woods to encourage a greater appreciation of nature. Some people go bird-watching, but they can be difficult to see high up

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Greener Greenhill

The WhatsApp covid support started on one street quickly evolved into a much broader neighbourhood group as restrictions were lifted and now actively involves 35 households. A key feature is

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Greener Greenhill

More electric vehicle charging points are going to be needed as these cars become cheaper and more available, but not every home has space for its own charging point and

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Greener Greenhill

Has held three free ‘bike MOT’ events outside the local library. Local people competent in bike repair have volunteered their time to give bikes a once over, make minor adjustments

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Greener Greenhill

Partly prompted by the covid lockdown, and partly by the interest in green prescribing, GG has established and printed maps for an 8-mile circular walk around Greenhill. We received a

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